Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Importance of Self-image in Hamlet Essay examples -- GCSE English

The Importance of Self-image in small t ingest Self-image plays a big role in how people act. crossroadss inability to know himself or to understand his own motives leads to the restless battles between full and wrong in his conscience, which is the reason for his unpredictable tragic actions, and behaviors. Hamlets confusion is understandably shown in his soliloquies. His confused caput can be broken into vanadium categories. Hamlet suffers from his own moral standards, the desperate need to seek the truth, overlook of confidence and trust in his own impulses, self-hatred, and melancholy. Each of these categories contribute to Hamlets troubled mind. Hamlet based a lot of his actions on his religious moral standards. Although Hamlet had high morals, he still had numerous impulses that were against his moral standards that he wanted to carry out such as the murder of his father and his thoughts on suicide. His canon gainst self-slaughter O God, God, how weary, stale, flat, an d unprofitable look to me all the uses of this world (I, ii, 36-138) Hamlet is saying that if it wasnt against his religion to commit suicide, he would do it. In his fourth soliloquy, Hamlet says, Thus, conscience does make coward of us all. (III, i, 91) Hamlet blames his inability to act out his impulses on these moral standards that ache been ingrained into his conscience. He finds the restrictions in his world unbearable because it is confined indoors religious and social class barriers. As a young man, Hamlets mind is full of many questions about the events that occur during his complicated life. This leads to the next dickens categories of his mind. His need to seek the truth and his lack of confidence in his own impulses. Hamlets confusion in what he wants to ... ...tude of the medieval men in his eon. He thinks a lot, considers his motivations and finds evidence for his fathers deed before he executes his actions. This is why Hamlet couldnt understand himself, his char acter differs from the typical man of his times and thus his motives will be different too. Hamlet lost his confidence and hence couldnt decide on whether to act or not since he lost his understanding of himself. So therefore, a little corruption in Hamlets world, mixed with his characteristics that just werent right his time lead him to his tragic end as a result of his actions and inactions. In conclusion, confidence in ourselves can lead us to do striking and reasonable things. Losing that self-assurance will lead us to become on the fence(predicate) and weak individuals. This corruption of character can ultimately lead to a tragic decline in our ideal world.

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