Wednesday, February 13, 2019

African American Sentiments :: essays research papers

For those plurality who did non study the civic War or doesn?ft know anything about the Civil War, in that location were umteen African Americans fighting too. Before the Civil War, the African Americans that were not freed by their landowners were treated poorly. Some left their family in the south and flee to the northernmost in hope to get more freedom and as well to help bring an end to slavery. After the battle at Antietam, many African Americans were allowed to enroll in the war. Many of them wanted to fight for virtuoso single purpose and that was to bring an end to slavery. In the movie ?gGlory,?h the director focused on the African American in the north that fought in the 54th regiment led by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. During the time of the Civil War, the African Americans that fought in the 54th regiment were often treated unfairly but thither were always nice people that backed them up. In this essay, I?fm going to discuss the different sentiments towards the Afri can American solders that dedicated their breeding to preserve the union and abandon slavery.During the Civil War, there were people who were exceedingly prejudiced against the 54th regiment because the soldiers were all different colored skin and the people where used to the idea that different color skinned people worked as slaves. In ?gGlory,?h Colonel Montgomery, Sargent Mocati (the Sargent that trained and prepared them for war) and the colonel that was in charge of distributing necessities, served as the people who discriminated the African American soldiers. When in training, Sargent remained strict towards the training of the African American soldiers even after his short talk with Robert about cosmos too harsh on the soldiers and stuff. I think he was anti-Semite(a) against the soldiers because if the solders were white, he probably wouldn?ft treat them the same way. When he was article of faith the soldiers how to march, some of them couldn?ft tell the difference betw een left and right. He acted as if all African Americans were uneducated and they were hopeless to teach. Shoes were an infixed part of training. Many of the African American soldiers didn?ft even confirm decent shoes when they enrolled for the war. Naturally, after all the training, their shoes worn down. If the 54th regiment were composed of white soldiers, the department that pass out shoes would already prepare extra shoes for them.

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