Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Customs, Rules and Laws

customs duty, rules and uprightnesss each have their hold varying applications on society. Over time, it has been shown that a strong relationship between them has unfolded and the contrastive outcomes on society have then become an outline for incoming years to follow. Customs argon classified as behavioral patterns that develop and become established within members of a society. These customs more often than non boil down on morals, ethics and social behavior. An example includes covering your mouth and/or nose when you sneeze.Customs dont usu every last(predicate)y have serious consequences if they are not ebbed, bar for disrespectful looks or a polite reminder from a person nearby. If these customs are followed by a secernateicular free radical or society, over time, they may become a part of that community commonplace law. Customary law isnt gener each(prenominal)y written down and is passed on by word of mouth. In particular cases, such as Australian primary cust omary law, these customs can affect the introduction and application of laws. Customs can be considered the foundation for rules.Rules refer to the appointed conduct in particular situations. Rules vary depending on the efferent communities. They are make generally made by the people In the organization or group and are only applicable by the members or these groups. There is commonly some form of consequence for breaking the rules however these rules are not enforceable by the state. Two (2) examples of this include school uniforms and rules for a wag game. However due to constant changes within these societies, rules can often be changed or adjusted to suit these needs.Rules are the preliminary stages off law to be made. Laws are a cast of rules imposed on all embers of a community, which are officially recognized, binding and enforceable by persons or organizations. There are many characteristics of a law that rules and customs do not satisfy. For example, laws are binding on the constitutional community. This content that all members are to follow and abide by these laws. Laws are also implemented through the police or appropriate legal organizations and there are penalties that can and pass on be applied If the law Is broken.A highly most-valuable contrariety between a law and a rule Is that It Is officially recognized. This delegacy that the courts and government acknowledge and apply these laws. Laws also reflect the publics Interest. This means the laws that are currently In place affect Issues that Involve the entire society. Laws are put forward by government officials and In sealed cases, Judges, If there Is no precedent. Laws, rules and customs each have their own set of corresponding consequences and form the foundations for our behaviors within society.Customs, Rules and Laws By Brooklyn become a part of that communitys customary law. Customary law isnt generally different communities. They are made generally made by the people in the penalties that can and will be applied if the law is broken. A highly important difference between a law and a rule is that it is officially recognized. This means that publics interest. This means the laws that are currently in place affect issues that embarrass the entire society. Laws are put forward by government officials and in certain cases, Judges, if there is no precedent. Laws, rules and customs each have their own

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