Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Advertising and the Twentieth Century

In a sense this was advertise himself. In 3200 B. C. , papyrus appears in antediluvian Egypt. This paper like busterrial made it possible for chain ar much(prenominal)rs and sale messages to be compose for the sale of goods. In 1 00 BC, political posters and campaign ordinaryizing became popular including negative ads in Ro piece polish. The first movable causa print system was invented in 1 040 A. D. This system invention helped build fonts typography. Four hundred age later the movable printing conspire is required by the German printer Johannes Gutenberg thus, making mass harvest-homeion Of the written word and advert possible.And nil 647, the first sunrise(prenominal)spaper ad tries to cover the book The Divine Right of Church Government. The first hoarding was introduced in New York City in an 1 835 advertisement for the circus. Thousands of years of advancements helped pave the road to the explosion of the advertising world that would occur in the next centur y and change the States for for constantly. Beginning of a new era. The 1 asss saw industrialism and consumerism come together to form an American culture of consumption. advertize was a very persuasive technique for promoting this new and vibrant consumer culture. 1 Advertising n the early sass was simply placing announcements in newspapers and magazines. As mediums changed and avenues for reaching the public expanded, advertisements quickly appeared every. N. here. With this much advertising bombarding the public and persuading them to authorize their self- worth by the products they purchase it became embedded in peoples daily lives as a closure, classes and social status were being clearly marked as the haves and have nose. Dis bets of this newly acquired wealth were seen all over America, in particular in urban neighborhoods, where most of the rich hung taboo ND well-tried to outdo one another with displays of their wealth. Although the rich were targeted in these adverti sements, an ever-increasing middle-class America had begun to buy machine made goods due to an increase of disposable income that one- duration(prenominal) generations did not have. As America changed from a farming of small towns into a country of busy cities, advertising played a key character reference in the ideology of Americans.The idea of convenience was a major marketing point in ones life whether it be in the home, leisure, or in the flesh(predicate) grooming. The sasss America was rapidly changing into a innovativeization society. Some examples re rapid expansion due to railroads, banking infrastructure that made the mass consumer grocery store possible, and more Americans now lived and worked in cities undoubtedly, forcing them to quickly evolve in this ever changing social and economic environment. With this changing America, advertisers had three major points to get out with.First, advertisers needed to find some kind of substance in this ever changing and comp lex bureaucratic world. 3 Modern comforts and lifestyles were drastically different than what previously was a major part of lifes basic need such as food, clothing, and tools. People needed to find new meaning to this mechanized routine they lived. Advertisers were there to present the masses with products and consumer goods that would have evidentiary meaning in their lives, no matter how fleeting. Second, advertisers had to give so-called solutions to many of these new problems that modern life proposed.This faster pace of life seemed to be very frustrating consequently, advertisers sought to ease the psychological pressures by destiny people believe that the goods they were purchasing for the latest and most progressive product available would help them everyday n the hustle and bustle of modern life. As a result, this changed as needs and products changed. A family was provided simple information, frequently visually, on how the item would help fix problems of modern day l ife. Finally, advertisers helped create a new standard of conduct.Industrialization, city living, and an ever-growing move to warfared bureaucratic power structure making social interaction more complex. 4 Whether standard of conduct, fashion, clean technologies, or fads, for most of Americans these were found through commonwealthal advertising. The degree of how much advertising expanded in the sass can be seen in the numbers. Total advertising volume in the United States increased most from 206 billion in 1 900 to about 682 million minion and then reached 1,409 million by 1919. 5 By looking at these numbers it is aristocratic to see how rapid expansion of national advertising flourished during this decade.Another key area advertisers targeted was American women. Advertisers saw that magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home Journal, and Saturday take downing post were the best way to reach the urban middle-class, and help them to understand and argue with the complexity o f modern life through their different products and goods. Rodents such as Budweiser, Coca-Cola, Gillette razors, Ford cars, and Wriggles gum started advertising heavily during this time. Advertising in the broad war In April 191 7, America entered World War l. At this time advertising was not a new thing in America, but the message had to change.Instead of advertisers trying to cover products they had to try to sell a war that America had been neutral on for quite some time. Eight geezerhood after(prenominal) the war started Pres. Wilson formed The charge on Public Information. Pres. Wilson found George Creel, a muckraker from Kansas City and Denver, to head he charge. 6 Pres. Wilson believed that this committee was essential to persuade American citizens to support the war. The ICP embroiled approximately 1 50,000 Americans, and it is estimated that the ICP produced 700 poster designs, 122 bus and trolley cards, 31 0 advertising illustrations, and 287 cartoons during its e xistence. These ads helped the nation come together with a sense of nationalism helping to bring up volunteerism and donations. These artists repeatedly tugged at Americans sense of duty, patriotism, and humanitarianism. The Roaring Twenty During World War l, Americas were asked by the government to ration their consumption of fuel and food and to throw most everything for the good of the war effort. When the war ended, advertisers had the chance to shine again. In the past decade, Americans could restrain themselves in such ways as, race, ethnicity, religion and politics.Americans had begun to define themselves with houses, cars, clothes, and other products and go they bought. In the 192(Yes, most Americans had more money than in the previous decade. Also, most had a belief that more material goods delineate more success and modern advertising fueled this concept more than ever. With the use of billboards, newspapers, magazines and radio commercials, advertisers flooded the mar ket with the need to purchase their products, face it could change peoples lives by enhancing their health, safety, beauty, and daresay their entire being.Advertisers were unscrupulous at the time. Some advertisements would play on the psychological needs and fears in people such as telling somebody that using a certain soup showed more motherly love than another, or that a toothpaste, detergent or sludge bought from the impetigo could harm you or your family. One of the most successful ways advertisers marketed products was the aggregation to modernity. Modernity equaled progress and in turn was seen as automatically desirable. Companies, such as the Campbell Soup Co. Convinced women to try condensed soup because the can was loose to open and more importantly the modern way of making soup. early(a) advertisers would prey on the fears of some as if that looking old-fashioned could in truth affect ones personal life by possibly losing a mate to losing a job to losing ones self- respect. On the there hand, advertisers use anti-modern ads to people that undergo anxiety due to the fast-paced, mass consumption, forward technology, and corruption of long-standing traditional values. role Bran Flakes, for example, showed a frustrated personal credit lineman scurrying to work.The ad wanted to mystify that eating their cereal would fight good health and calming patronage living in the modern world. Ad agencies in the 1 asss consisted largely of college graduates with degrees in advertising and business. They had been trained to use market research and larn how to track consumer response o certain products and ads through statistics, surveys, and other uninflected methods thus making advertising almost a science in itself. The Great Depression years The sasss, Jazz Age, The Roaring asss were years of advertising decadence.The decade level adopted a word to describe its approach path to selling called Ballyhoo a term used in the nineteenth century that mea nt to exaggerate blatantly, to get attention in anyway possible. 8 By 1929 advertising revenues peaked at 53. 4 billion dollars. auberge Ethel 9205, advertisers hardest thing to do was the show people how to spend their money. For the most part, the public accepted this laissez-fairer the economy was strong and the government complacent. After the Great smash-up of 1 929, everything changed in an instance. Advertisers were in a dilemma.Should they go about business as usual or advertise about the crisis taking place. Even though advertising didnt talk about the depression directly, advertising did change. Advertising remained for the most part bright and cheery. Ads were more geared towards the value products and services rather than the needs and need nots of the gluttonous sasss consumer. While employment was so high and finances, for many, so low, the publics distrust of advertising grew. As a result organizations like Consumer Union and Consumer Research grew and with their su ccess government took notice.They responded with the Pure Food, Drug, and Committee of 1938, The Federal Trade Commission and Securities and Exchange, along with U. S. Post Office and internecine Revenue Service began to increase their supervisory and regulatory controls over advertising. 10 The good fight for the Good War With the advertising industry bland on the defense against consumer assessment, America joining the war became a unblemished time to repair their image and help the war effort at the same time. Advertisers were very interested about their future.The industry was mainly concerned that criticism could crippled their credibility and lead to legislation that would tax and regularize its content. At the time, Pres. Roosevelt was very disenchanted with advertising and believed it was obsolete likewise, he believed that advertising costs should no longer be a tax-deductible business expense. In November 1941, just months before the Pearl Harbor invasion, the Associat ion of National Advertisers and the American Association of Advertising Agencies met to see what could be done.The majority of the industry believed it would be best to run ads explaining the economic value of advertising in creating jobs, wealth and low prices. 1 1 At this meeting was a man with the different view. James Webb preadolescent thought advertising was needed to promote business, yet he also believed that was just one component of it. Young proposed public-service advertising to help their tarnished image. It ought to be used for open propaganda in internationalistic elations, to create understanding and reduce friction. It ought to be used to wipe out such diseases of ignorance as childbed fever.It ought to do the nutritional job this country needs to have done. It ought to be the servant of music, of art, of literature and of all the forces of righteousness, even more than it is. When will we stop fighting over just the animate business and go back to selling adver tising? When will we sell it into these new levels Of usefulness, this larger stature? , he asked. 1 1 With this vision the Ad Council was conceived. Lining the War Advertising Counsel officially was created to compose advertising for the war effort.Council wanted ads to encourage the public to organize campaigns for military, employ in the service, buy war bonds, salvaging fat, and women to the work force. These ads had a significant contribution, in particular when it came to women working. With so many men overseas, woman had to work to keep the war machine going. At the end of the war, women were expected to return home, yet that was not the case for most. This would be the beginning of the workingwoman era. The 2nd Half In the sass, after the war was over and the troops were home, the economy started to stabilize.

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